Rhonda Allison - Growth Factor Gel |
Growth Factor Gel
Description - Epidermal Growth Factor is an ideal companion to any acne program. As lesions are treated for bacteria with various topicals i.e. BPO, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid, retinol, the skin will benefit from rebuilding support and continued healing which is exactly what EGF does. The Gel formula is not as rich as the cream and absorbs into the skin quickly.
Recommended Use - Cleanse skin thoroushly, blot dry & spread a thin layer of Growth Factor Gel to skin. May be used day & night.
Benefits - Epidermal Growth Factor is adaily moistureizer and protector for oily, acne, impure skin.
Active Ingredients - Distilled water, aloe vera gel, EFG, castor-oil methyl glycol, pumpkin seed oil, olive oil, d-alpha tocopherol, retinol, lecithin, jasmine alcohol, fumaric acid, SOD, sandalwood, bergamot, lemon, tangerine and rosewood
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