Excellence, Expertise, Experience

Get it Right The First Time.... Cary Skin Care 919-740-5494


Microdermabrasion is a procedure in which a machine jets fine crystals across the face for gentle exfoliation, with little to no discomfort or downtime. Unlike deep Chemical Exfoliations, one of the benefits of microdermabrasion is the ability to go straight back to work without any down time. Total time for treatment is 30-45 minutes and can be done on a lunch break. The results are instantly smoothed skin. Microdermabrasion mehanically removes the outermost surface of the skin with fine jets of aluminum oxide crystals, not a "diamond wand" We have tried both and found that while crystals are a little more of an investment for us, in our opinion, the crystals do a much better job. True Classic Microdermabrasion reduces scarring, reduces fine lines and acne. The procedure is virtually painless and leaves the skin surface fresh and smooth. The length of time between treatments are determined by your skin type. 

We use one of the best systems available. The system was designed in USA with a closed loop system, for your safety, to assure there is no cross contamination. State Board Certified since 2001 for microdermabrasion procedures. This machine is a work horse.